Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I took the plunge...

If you remember from a week ago, I posted about how I have no range in nail polish colors. (Here)  They're all shades of red and pink and I was getting bored with my choices.  I was tired of playing it safe with nail polish.  So I said that I was going to try a new color that didn't fall into the red or pink categories. 

And I found this one:
Mink Muffs by Essie
Which was closer to a creamy brown than in this picture.
And then I found this one:

Imported Bubbly by Essie
That one was more of a champagne color (hence the name).  Again the picture is a little different.

But neither of those seemed quite right.  So I kept searching until I found something along the same lines as a neutral but more edgy.  (Also as a side note, do not go nail polish shopping with your mother.  We literally spent 30 minutes in front of the nail polish wall at Tar-jay and she kept giving me hooker blues and crazy greens.  Bless her heart for trying but I am neither a hooker nor a leprechaun.)  Anywho, finally I picked a shade. Do you want to see?  I know the suspense is killing you.  Here it goes...


Not too shabby right? It's called #370 Commander in Chic by Sally Hansen.

At first I tried it on my toes because I figured if it looked bad at least I could cover them up with shoes but the more I looked at it, the more I liked it so I took a chance and tried it on my fingers.

Please excuse my freaky-weird toes.  Matt likes to call them Flinstone feet.  Isn't he a sweetheart?

I have worn shades of grey before, but this one has more lavender in it (can't really tell on my nails but more so when it's in the bottle) so I felt like it wouldn't look so stupid. And you know what?  I actually feel kind of cool.  Sort of dorky, I know, but I have always felt like I wasn't hip enough to pull off a shade like this.  But after staring at my fingers and toes, I know that it's untrue.  I totes can pull it off with the right color.  Thanks Sally!

Oh, and of course I had to buy one other color because I felt like I was on a role with good nail polish choices. 

It's called Fiji by Essie and I just couldn't resist.

Old habits die hard.

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