Monday, October 31, 2011

I solemnly swear I am not a negative Nancy.

So I'm not sure how many people follow this blog or have even noticed that the posts have been sparse recently but I still feel like something needs to be said.

I am broke.  Not so broke that I can't afford to live in my new apartment (thank goodness), but more like the I-can't-afford-to-buy-the-things-needed-to-make-the-fun-crafts-I-want broke.  And y'all know how I only shop when it's a bargain, so this is hard for me.  I also am feeling less than inspired lately, and I think it's from a lack of who knows what.  To be honest, my job has really been wearing me out lately and our apartment is officially unpacked and organized.  I swear I'm not complaining, I just wanted to be upfront about why you haven't been hearing much from this small fry. 

So, until I can get more supplies on the crafting front and I get my mojo back (what? who says that anymore?), the posts on my blog are going to be slim pickings for now.  I know not everything has to be about crafts, but it was one of the main things I wanted to write about on this blog.  It's one of my favorite things to do! I do have a few projects on my list I want to/can finish up so I will be writing about those.  Keep your eyes peeled!  Which is a disgusting saying.  Don't peel your eyes, just check back here every once and a while. 

Oh, and Happy Halloween my loves!  My second favorite holiday is here and I am excited to eat all the candy see those trick-or-treaters!  Our Halloween party went really well and I have a few decor pics to share in the near future.  I also have costume pics and our pumpkin to share with you as well.  You know, I just realized I have more to write about than I thought.  Yesss.  If I could high five you all right now, I totally would.

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