Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Decor For the Poor- Before and After.

I know the title of this post is a little cheesy but it totally describes what is going on in my life.  You remember the post about all the stuff I got at Goodwill for like $30?  Well even if you don't, it doesn't matter because all you need to see is how fab the stuff looks now.  All I have to say is thank heaven for spray paint.

So I started out with these lamp bases in a lovely shade of mint green that made me want to vom.

They had a great classic look and I knew they would be perfect in our bedroom with a crisp, white paint job.  Which was the biggest pain in my rear so simple to do.  Turns out they were spray painted with about 5 coats of green.  (Only lord knows why that color.  I just imagine the decor featuring mallard ducks, hunting, and lots of plaid.)  So I had to sand a lot before the white would cover enough.  I used a satin, basic shade of white.  Then my mom was kind enough to find two drum shaped, white lamp shades at Tar-jay to go with them.  I think they turned out great!

I might want to change out the lampshades in the future (though these are fab) for something with more color.  I'm having trouble with the colors of the bedroom at the moment but that is a story for a whole other post.

Next up were three candlesticks that I totally passed over, but my Mom insisted I buy them and I'm so glad I did. (How moms do that I will never understand.)  They started out with a really Italian, chunky style.

Which might have had something to do with all that gold leaf.  Yeah that was a blast to spray paint over.  Not.  I wasn't sure if I was going to like them or not but once the first coat went on I knew they were going to be some of my favorite accents.

Especially paired with the bright, yellow candles I got from Ikea.  Total cost for these babies: $15.  Win.

The last few of my great finds were some picture frames that I knew I could rehab.  I was especially excited about the shadow box (you guys know my obsession) because it was only $2 and it was already in great shape.

Just a few scratches to take care of on the shadow box, some black spray paint on the brown frame, and some good cleaning was all it took.  And best of all, I ended up using them in my favorite thing in the whole apartment. 

My picture frame collage wall.  When I look at it, I hear air guitar Con Air style.  You know, when Nicholas Cage comes off the plane with the wind blowing his long hair?  I am that excited about it.  Minus those frames I have to fill with more photos.  Stupid empty ink cartridges.

I first saw the idea in the Pottery Barn store (where else?) and I fell in love with it.  I really liked how it was objects as well as pictures.  I feel like as we go through our lives we can put mementos of major events and our adventures up on the wall.  You can add to the collage so it's always a changing piece of art.  Love it.  It took forever to figure out where I wanted everything and then to actually hang it (approximately half of "A Bug's Life" if anyone cares)  but I am so pleased with the end result.

Of course, when the boyfriend came home, he was less than pleased (he's more of a few-pictures-hung-in-an-orderly-fashion kinda guy) but I hope it will grow on him.  The only part of the bargain to keep it up was to take down my moss covered C.  For some reason he just really doesn't like it, but it's a small price to pay to keep my masterpiece.  Plus, I get to make something else to put in it's place.  I think of that as a win-win.

And speaking of Pottery Barn, I wanted to show my lovely plate that I can't wait to bust out for the holidays.

I don't know why exactly my brain thinks this can only be displayed in the winter, I think it's the pale blue and silver color scheme, but I'm excited to pair it with some white candles and fake snow.  (Ahhh can't it be Christmas already?!)  It's waiting patiently on top of my fridge.

So that's just some of the before and afters that have happened in my new place.  I will be posting more later in the week of our bedroom, the living room and our Halloween decor.  Except they're kind of more afters and not really befores.  The boyfriend kindly pointed out halfway through our painting that I forgot to take before pics.  Swell.  But you guys can just use your imaginations!  The after is always more exciting anyway.

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